Over 10 years photographing London, its streets, architecture, street art, its people. I’ve been looking back at the work I created for the past decade, cringing at some of it of course but never looking at it as a mistake but rather a step which took me to the next level, helping me get better at what I do.
My photography has evolved a lot during that time. From initially photographing street art and graffiti, it then evolved into more urban landscapes, into which I gradually injected a human element until the point at which people became the main subject of my street photography. Meanwhile I also experimented with video, creating cinemagraphs for top brands as well as shooting lots of timelapse and more recently diving into Photoshop tutorials for my YouTube Channel.
Over the past ten years and being a Londoner, it was impossible not to capture the underground in a way or another. The people travelling on it, its stations, it’s emblematic roundel,…
And so here are some of my best photos on the London underground:
It's impossible if you're a Londoner not to photograph at some point the London underground.
What's your personal favourite?