London Graffiti and Street Art Photography

Ephemeral by nature, London’s graffiti and street art can be documented and, in some way, preserved through the medium of photography. 

I got into photography around 2006 because I wanted to document graffiti and street art, London being such a top location for artists it’s no surprise really (and I’m talking about a little more than just Banksy).

As I discovered how to use a camera and begun to get a lot more out of it, my focus shifted towards a little more than spray painted murals, I started capturing London’s urban landscape, its people and just about anything surrounding me.

Yet I still incorporate graffiti and street art in my urban and street photography more often than not, old habits die hard.

Our cities are made of very dull stuff. Concrete, tarmac, bricks, glass, metal… there aren’t many colourful things out there so I’ve always personally enjoyed seeing a grey wall covered in a trashy rainbow of paint.

Check-out my YouTube channel for a few extras if you love London and also my dedicated Graffiti and Street Art photography gallery here.

But most importantly… go explore London by yourself, you don’t need a pricey and useless London street art tour.
